Business solutions that bring back more customers to your local retail and service store

Automated marketing, Easy billing & POS, Easy inventory manager, Easy rewards manager , Automated reporting for local retail and service businesses.

DaddysPocket powers businesses like yours

Fashion Retail



Grocery Retail

Food & Beverages

Auto Sales & Repair


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POS and GST billing

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Inventory Manager

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Powerful data capture

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Inbuilt Rewards program

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Automated marketing emails SMS

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Automated reporting

We offer
enterprise grade technology
to small & medium
hyperlocal businesses.

Globally giants like Starbucks, KFC, Walmart & many others invest in powerful reward programs to bring back customers.

Why Don't You?

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Pocket Friendly

Launch your loyaty program starting at just ₹800 a month. That's not a typo. We enable businesses of all sizes with affordable customer data to drive retention.

Join our growing list of partners

Ready To Get Started?

Launch your reward program in a matter of minutes